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To expand the availability of USMLE test materials for Step 3 examinees, Computer-based Case Simulations (CCS) practice materials can now be accessed on both PCs and Macs. The materials are web-based and no longer require downloading software.

Download nbme step 3

You can download and print your permit by going to the Step 3 site. A copy of the permit is also included in the email we send to you when your scheduling permit becomes available; you must scroll down to the bottom of the email to see the permit.

If you experience a computer problem or any other problem during the test, notify test center staff immediately. The testing software is designed to allow the test to restart at the point it was interrupted. In most cases, your test can be restarted at the point of interruption with no loss of testing time. However, it is possible that a technical problem may occur that does not permit you to complete your examination. In the rare event that this occurs, please send a written description of the incident via email to test administration staff at and to the FSMB at within two weeks of your test date. Include your scheduled testing dates, where you tested, and your USMLE ID number. Your problem will be thoroughly investigated, and if necessary, arrangements will be made to allow you to test at a later date.

Once logged in you will be able to view, download, and print your score report. If you do not receive an email regarding your score report within 8 weeks of your last test day, you should check the Step 3 site or contact us at (817) 868-4041 or to determine the status of your score report.

The Rx Bricks Podcast is a podcast for medical students preparing for the USMLE step 1 and step 2, designed to assist students on their journey through medical school. Every week, we air a new episode based on an important basic science topic or clinical concept. Each episode is an audio version of one of our Rx Bricks, which is based on our USMLE high-yield topics and interactive learning module.

The NBME Step 3 site does not have the software preparation material for the USMLE step 3 since the NBME Step 3 site mainly focuses on the other exams. However, if you go over to the USMLE.ORG website, it does have links to download the Primum Computer-based Case Simulations (CCS) (Windows only). If you have a Mac, then you cannot run this software.

As a good alternative to the Primum Computer-based Case Simulations (CCS) cases it to download our software located here, and you can test out 2 free cases and you can buy the other 138 cases for a reasonable fee. You can buy early and study at your own pace.

The difference between the Primum Computer-based Case Simulations (CCS) and our software is that we offer 140 cases to practice and the Primum CCS cases offers 5 cases to practice. Also, the Primum CCS cases does not offer interactive feedback. They give you a pdf to look at, and you have to judge and guess if you did according to what the pdf says. In our program, you do not have to guess. It will show you which things that were done correctly and which things were done incorrectly. You can go to the downloads page and try out our program whether it be on a Mac or a PC. Try it out for free.

The first step in creating the study plan was laying out my daily schedule. Each day, studying was divided into three 4-hour blocks of morning, afternoon, and evening. I took 5-10 minute breaks once per hour during each of these sessions.



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